Tag Archives for " Craig Ball "

COMING IN 2011 FROM THE POSSE LIST: e-discovery law training via Ralph Losey

5 January 2011  – Many legal pundits have repeatedly called for teaching e-discovery at law schools.  No one in the e-discovery world can miss what the digital information revolution has done

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Our e-Discovery Predictions for 2011

Not to be outdone by Clearwell Systems, Fios, Craig Ball, Recommind and everybody else making e-discovery predictions/trends-to-watch in 2011, The Posse List presents its 10.5 e-discovery (and other)

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ALSP Houston Chapter meeting: March 2, 2010 (with Craig Ball and guests)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 12:00 – 1:00 pm Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP Fulbright Auditorium 1301 McKinney, Mezzanine Level Houston, TX 77010 Who says learning can’t be fun? Come play along as

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Our new series: “Data! Data! Data!” — Cures for a General Counsel’s ESI Nightmares

  In the latter part of the last decade — ok, the fall of 2009 — we completed what we call the trifecta:  full coverage of three of the premier electronically stored information (ESI) and

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E-Discovery for Everybody: Craig Ball and the EDna Challenge

As recently highlighted by Sharon Nelson on her excellent blog Ride the Lightening one of the things Craig Ball most enjoys is coming up with a challenging e-discovery hypothetical and then confounding

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Managing e-Discovery — Day 2 of the International Litigation Support Leaders Conference (Part 1)

A Review of Day 2 of the ILSLC (Part 1) As we said in our coverage of Day 1 of the ILSLC (click here) the focus of almost all of the speakers during this conference was:  the fundamental problem

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“You can’t afford the truth!” — Day 1 of the International Litigation Support Leaders Conference

That was the rallying cry of Ralph Losey and many of the speakers at ILSLC yesterday.   Said Losey “When people start talking about e-discovery production burdens I always think of the famous

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The International Litigation Support Leaders Conference: an introduction

The International Litigation Support Leaders Conference starts tomorrow in D.C. for two days, May 7-8, here in D.C.  It is the industry’s premiere educational and networking event for international

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