Building your Freelance Business During a Recession


We have been posting information these last two weeks on “going solo” and also “going freelance” for the many Posse List members who have inquired.

The National Association of Freelance Legal Professionals (NAFLP) is sponsoring a Telecoffee(tm) tomorrow (March 10th) entitled “Building Your Freelance Business During a Recession”.

It will be held at 8:30am PST (11:30am EST) and an RSVP is required.

The NAFLP founders (Amanda Mineer and Melody Kramer) will be discussing ways to use the recession as a tool for building your freelance business.

There is NO cost for this event but it is a members only event and you need to RSVP by today (March 9th) to to receive dial-in instructions.

For more information about the NAFLP click here.