The Posse List launches the Canada listserv


Due to growing interest and demand from our neighbors North of the border (not least of which due to the scores of Canadian lawyers employed on multiple U.S. corporate bankruptcies ) we have established a job/info listserv for Canada.   You can subscribe to the our Canada listserv by clicking here.  You can see all our listserv by clicking here.

For the moment, the list will include jobs (temp and perm) across Canada.   We are working with Canadian agencies and several Canadian direct employers.  As this list develops we will subdivide it by city/region accordingly.  This list will also blast news/articles, initially focused on the Canadian litigation and e-discovery community and these articles will also post to our new Canada page.   

We’ll expand our coverage through several Canadian law blogs we are working with to republish/link to their posts both on our Canada page and via the Posse List Twitter account.  At a later point we intend to cover the Canadian solo practice and freelance market.  (Special hat tip to Montreal-based Posse List member Jean Depau who will be official “scrivener” for the Canada page and he is coordinating all of this).   

And we will also be making you aware of a number of great Canadian-based legal vendors such as Kerans Virtual Assistance (who you can also follow on Twitter via @KeransVA ) and AdviceScene which is a fabulous Canadian online legal forum (and you can follow the AdviceScene founder Nancy Kinney on Twitter via @AdviceScene)

Note to Canadian Posse List members already on the Master Posse List with whom we have chatted:  we have moved you onto the new Canada listserv.

So if you have a litigation article or e-discovery article (or any Canadian law article or legal news item of interest), or if you have a Canadian webinar/seminar/website you wish to promote, or a legal job you are trying to fill, let us know at: