July 20/21: First ever eDiscovery and digital forensics conference in Hong Kong

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E-Discovery and Digital Forensics, are powerful and valuable tools to discover and process electronic evidence necessary for litigation. It is becoming increasingly essential for practitioners in Asia to gain crucial awareness and understanding of e-discovery and digital forensics tools for litigation cases.  LexisNexis is sponsoring the first conference ever held in Hong Kong to bring together a panel of leading international experts and prominent local practitioners to share their knowledge and experience on key issues concerning e-discovery and digital forensics, with special focus on the legal aspects.

* Gain the essentials and value of e-discovery and digital forensics to increase litigation readiness
* Recognise the impacts of new Civil Justice Reform on digital investigation and discovery
* Acquire the skills in handling digital evidence in civil, criminal and commercial litigation cases
* Prepare your company for e-discovery
* Link e-discovery and digital investigation with Personal Data Privacy Ordinance and other related laws
* Identify the legal implications in managing digital forensics and discovery for crossborder litigations

To obtain more information and to register click here.